I Wanna Be The Guy Wiki

The Kid, known as The Guy or The Forever Toddler, is the protagonist of I Wanna Be The Guy. He is a human who, despite his tiny size, sets out to overcome millions of deadly obstacles in order to become the Guy.

At the beginning of the game, in a Megaman-style intro, he is originally referred to as either an ancient "Young Boy" or just a child who never grows up, never gets old and is a child who stays a child forever, who left home on his fifteenth birthday during the year 200X to defeat, and then become The Guy. He is given a microscopically tiny gun from Former Grandfather The Guy. Because of this, The Kid is a courageous child who never grows up, never gets old and is a child who stays a child forever.


The Kid is a tiny fair-skinned human, extremely fragile in stature. He has teeny tiny beady eyes and an open smile that never closes as well as the appearance of a two-year-old toddler, despite being a 15-year-old teenager who commonly stays a child permanently. He wears a dark indigo long-sleeved shirt (which is dark purple in the comics), with an ocean-teal pair of jeans, disembodied legs, and his signature maroon cape, and, while only on medium mode, wears a massive red hair bow on his head. Due to his fragility, any slight bit of damage to him will cause him to explode. Also, on a strange note, he is described as either a teen or an adult, but his age is revealed as two years old and his voice seems to be very high-pitched and naive. This led to the fact that The Kid is born a child who never grows up, never gets old and is a child who stays a child eternally.

The Kid's speed is below average.


There are very few real personality traits shown from The Kid, however, his primary trait is that he is very determined to become The Guy. Not only is he determined to become The Guy, but he is also very resolved to get revenge upon the current The Guy for killing his grandfather. He displays great shock upon his extremely powerful resemblance to The Father as his clone, although he is still bent on to avenge his grandfather and become The Guy.

Powers and Abilities[]

The Kid has an ability to double-jump; a power that he gained from the Cape of Heroes he wears, and rapidly shoot microscopically tiny yellow speck-shaped "bullets" from the V.S.G (unlike most old games, they do not go through walls.)

Apart from those, The Kid possesses his favorite physical movement, in which he spawn multiple illusory copies of himself by moving rapidly.


  • He is considerably a fusion of Mario and Mega Man (the Classic incarnation).
  • The Kid is similar to Pico from Newgrounds, because they're both youngsters with guns.
  • The Kid's outfit is similar to Bart Simpson in The Simpsons episode "Bart The Daredevil".
  • The Kid is one of game's treasures that are absent in the game.
  • The Kid appeared in some games outside his own as a major character:
    • The Kid is one of the characters in I Wanna Be The Boshy.
    • As an unlockable character in Super Meat Boy.
    • He is set to appear in the game Fraymakers as an Assist character.
  • His appearance is eerily similar to Gijin from Wonder Project J.
  • The Kid has been featured in some games outside his own as a commonly major character, mainly in fangames.
  • The Kid is probably diagnosed with neotenic complex syndrome (NCS), a condition where he remains physically and cognitively similar to a toddler, despite his increasing age syndrome, preventing him from aging and instead keeps him in an infant or toddler's body forever. This is the reason why The Kid, who never became a teen, remains as a child that stays as child forever, hence his name.
  • The Kid is far too dumb in the comics.
  • Despite all his major roles in other games, The Kid made a tiny cameo in a "Sonic and his Story", where he is seen lying down on a ground in front of Pico.
  • The Kid's appearance inspired the design of Timmy, the main character from the 2010 NES game Battle Kid; itself inspired by IWTBG.

