I Wanna Be The Guy Wiki

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The Father is the main antagonist and the final boss of the 2D platform indie game I Wanna Be The Guy Remastered. He was the Guy (the position of power), until his demise by his own son. The Father kills his own father, The Former Grandfather The Guy, to become the new Guy.


HP: 120

1st form HP: 48 (Phase 1: 30. Phase 2: 14. Phase 3: 4 (big bullets).

2nd form HP: 72 (12 per eye).


The Father is identical to The Kid, but much larger, with a stern expression, a cigarette in his mouth and a torn cape. He is voice acted by the creator of the game, Kayin.

Combat Analysis[]

Phase 1[]

The Father begins the fight by firing a single shot at the player, jumping across the screen and dropping a grenade on the floor, causing pillars of fire to erupt. After the throw, he will begin running back and forth across the room at high speed. Note that he will only run at you if you are standing on the ground - if you are midair, instead he will shoot at you and then again check if you are on the ground. After the charge attack, he will jump back on the right side and repeat all cycles until he takes enough damage. If the player deals enough damage before The Father attacks, this phase will be skipped.

He will then jump back to the right side of the screen and unleash a spread of giant bullets, which the player must dodge by climbing the left wall. Afterwards, he will go to the left side and begin shooting giant bullets one at a time at the player. After shooting five bullets, he will return to the right side and repeat.

Upon taking enough damage, The Father will jump down to the center of the floor and shoot smaller giant bullets at the player, which will bounce in The Kid's direction every time they hit a wall. He must be defeated by directing his shots off the walls back into him (he's immune to The Kid's bullets in this phase). Note that after each 4 bullets shot, The Father will throw incendiary grenade (same as before) and then immediately return to shooting. The Father fires one massive bullet you, so you have to dodge it in order to have it bounce of the wall and hit him.

When hit by four massive bullets, The Father is sent careening through the stained-glass window in the background, leaving behind his gun. Grab it to initiate the second phase of the battle.


The Guy's 2nd phase

Phase 2.1[]

The victory fanfare is interrupted when a giant head appears, busting through the wall. This is The Father's second form. His eyes are his weak point; you must destroy both of his eyes three times to win the final battle. (The eyes will regenerate over time if they are not hit quickly enough.)

Note that the room has changed; there is a platform on the upper side and the pillars are damaged. The Kid can now jump on them.

The first phase of The Father's second form mainly consists of him firing two fireballs at you periodically (one for each of his eyes that are still intact). Stand on the pillars or the platforms on sides of the room and shoot his eyes out as quickly as you can. If you take too long, a row of spikes will form in his mouth and shoot at The Kid. This is a very hard attack to dodge if you're at the bottom half of the room. To avoid the spikes, you can double jump and wait until all the spikes charge at you; then fall down.

Phase 2.2[]

The Father will start the second phase by shooting a stream of fireballs that travels counterclockwise around the room, leaving some safe spots and being slow enough to be outran. Next, he will set the platforms on the far sides of the room on fire so you will need to stand on the pillars to attack him. He shoots out glass orbs that track The Kid but can be shot and destroyed. He will sometimes also shoot a slow stream of fireballs that doesn't reach far but can block you from standing on one of the pillars. He will also continue using the same attacks he had as before, but quicker.

Phase 2.3[]

In the third and final phase, the entire floor is now ablaze and The Father's left and right eyes can only be shot from their respective sides of the room. His only new attack is spawning two spikes that fly in The Kid's direction. Once you beat the third and final phase of the fight, The Father will scream in pain and despair before flying out of the window. Victory is yours, so have fun seeing credits! :)

The boss' music changes when you enter the second phase.

The boss can be skipped by pressing and holding the E, N, and D keys in the original version, but this doesn't work in the remaster.


Phase 1[]

The Kid: Die monster!-! WHOZAWHAT? You!?

The Father: What is this?! ANOTHER CHILD? Haha, one more for my score!

The Kid: I have bested fruit, spike, and moon! Now, I shall best you, The Guy!

The Father: No. Not The Guy. The Father!

The Kid: WHAT

The Father: Yes, now I recognize you.. SON. THE HAIR. THE SHIRT. THE CAPE. You are (one) of my younger colors!

The Kid: That's impossible!

The Father: Check your inventory screen, Kid! You know it to be true.

The Kid: Wait...! Former grandfather The Guy! You killed him!

The Father: As you will now try to kill me.... Or be killed yourself!


2nd phase[]



You can't escape!

Yeah, I did have sex with your mother...

(After being defeated) NO! NOOOO!!!


Glitches & Cheats[]

  • If the "EVIL"- Save Box (last room before The Father) is activated right before entering The Father's room, it will still try to kill you. If that happens while the dialogue shows up, the "Game-Over"- Screen will show up, but The Kid is invisible and invincible. He'll still be able to move, jump (No double-jump) and shoot.
  • The fight can be skipped by pressing the letters. E, N and D. (Original version only; the remaster does not have this feature.)
  • The [1]cutscene can be skipped by pressing 's".
  • If you die during The Father's death animation, do NOT reset; the cutscene will play as normal.

General Trivia[]

  • The Father might be a tribute to 1980s-1990s "golden era" video game final boss villains, such as. Bowser, Dr. Wily, Dr. Robotnik and King K. Rool.
  • The Father is similar to H. H. Holmes, who was a 19th century American serial killer who was infamous for designing a "castle" which was overrun with many rooms designed to torture and kill his unwitting victims, the design of this structure was as ingenious as it was evil and Holmes was said to have hired numerous workers in the building of it so that only he would know the full layout of the terrible maze.
  • The Father is somewhat similar to William Afton from Five Night's at Freddy's.
  • The Father might be compared to Darth Vader due to his deep voice and being the protagonist's father.
  • The Father and The Kid's gun might possibly be a energy/laser-based weapon (which would justify the seemingly infinite ammo and the big bullets that he makes) similar to that of the Mega Buster from the Mega Man franchise and the BFG 9000 from the Doom Franchise.
  • The Father might be responsible for child abuse or murder.
    • Given the nature of how to become The Guy, he may also be guilty of patricide.
  • The Father might be a former soldier.
  • The Father might be married to an unknown woman known as "The Mother".
  • The Father's entire appearance is inherited by The Kid.
  • The Father is mentioned in the fancomics as well as Heartina Rosebud's story, "Sonic and His Story", where Boyfriend mentions that The Kid, who was attacked by the Skibidi Toilets, has an identical father.
  • This boss was originally supposed to have an Antichlorobenzene avoidance intermission, but it was scrapped.